Friends of Bolivia was formed to give Christian-based medical assistance, love and hope to the many poor and needy people of Bolivia.

There are many areas in the country where people have virtually no access to doctors, dentists or hospitals. In some of the areas where there might be limited services available, many people simply cannot afford minimal care.

On one hand, our volunteers find it sad that medical care is so rare that entire families will often walk for days to get to our medical missions.  Then, the families often have to wait all day to be seen.  On the other hand, our people say it's a wonderful feeling to be able to help -- and everyone is always amazed at how much our efforts are appreciated.

Although all our physicians, dentists, nurses, and other medical people pay much of their own way, we've always ended up with some of the finest professionals in the world to assist these kind and gentle people.

Our Purpose

Friends of Bolivia Foundation, Inc
Oklahoma City, OK USA